Saturday, August 30, 2008

Monthly BOJUG meet was good

Today, just came back from the BOJUG (Bangalore Open Java Users Group) meet which held at ThoughtWorks' Pathshaala.
As like always, it turned out to be a nice platform where java users can learn, present, collaborate and exchange knowledge. The following topics were presented and discussed:

1. Java FX..Its just the beginning by Vaibhav Choudhary
Shared knowledge of JavaFX with Demo. How to make timeline, reflection, constraint,easing, shapes, animation, Java AWT/Swing.
2. Beans Binding and Beans Validation by Sathish Kumar
Short discussion on Bean bindings.

3. Tomcat Internals by Sriram Narayanan
Sriram covered in brief various Tomcat configuration issues (server.xml, how to avoid having to deploy during development time, etc). He shared stuff like developing custom Tomcat components, and how the component assembly mechanism works.
I must say I became really amazed by the fact that what is known as Tomcat web server, is nothing but a collection of components that can be assembled and disassembled on the fly to put together custom environments.

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